Leuven Summer School in Philosophy and Theology
Faith, Reason, and Practice in a Secular Age
29 July - 3 August 2018 - Cancelled
American College, Leuven
Invited Speakers:
Henning Tegtmeyer (KU Leuven)
Joris Geldhof (KU Leuven)
Daniel Minch (KU Leuven)
Emmanuel Nathan (Australian Catholic University)
Bruce Ellis Benson (University of St. Andrews)
Russell Re Manning (Bath Spa University)
Jakob-Helmnut Deibl (University of Vienna)
Application is open to graduate students in philosophy or theology, to American College alumni, and to members of the clergy.
Applications should include a CV and a statement if interest (maximum one page). These should be emailed to: Jeremy.hovda@kuleuven.be. Reduced-cost student housing at the American College will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants wishing to stay at the American College should indicate this in their statement of interest.
Organizers: Jeremy Hovda, St. Damien Community, Leuven